Happy Times in a Complicated World

September 30, 2024

Hello everybody. I hope you’re all doing well out there!

We were blessed to have family come visit this month.

We celebrated our little girl’s 6 month birthday. Time does fly by.

The U.S. The Presidential Debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump was arguably the most lopsided victory in Presidential debate history. Harris successfully laid traps that Trump couldn’t resist falling for. Read the transcript for yourself. In fact, Trump said he does not wish to debate again. For him to resist free publicity and television cameras during primetime speaks volumes. The national polls, whatever those might be worth these days, immediately flipped in favor of Harris after the debate. In fact, FOX News immediately voiced their displeasure after the debate, similar to how CNN expressed dismay after Biden’s performance against Trump one month prior. It was so bad that the internet conspiracy theorists hoped (or coped) that Harris was wearing an earpiece and receiving the questions in advance. Turns out Harris was wearing Tiffany earrings. You can’t make this stuff up. Harris holds a 2% national lead with less than 40 days before the big election. And yet, it’s incredible to see the polls even this close. You can take that as you might.

In the Middle East, Israel dismantled its opposition in staggering fashion. Within the span of two weeks, Israeli secretly planted explosives within 5,000 Taiwan-made pagers used by Hezbollah agents then strategically detonated them in a coordinated attack. Israel then targeted and killed Hezbollah commanders in a coordinated airstrike. Days later, the Israeli military launched what it calls ‘limited, localized, and targeted raids’ against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

The escalation of events in the Middle East will have ripple effects throughout the global community for years to follow. It sets into motion the potential for ‘allies’ and ‘axis powers’ line drawing and certainly an inevitable new set of warnings will soon follow for America and its citizens at home and abroad. Most Americans will be focused on other issues, like Ozempic or what Donald Trump says about Taylor Swift. However, let us keep an eye on the potential for terrorist attacks and a shift from proxy battles to nation-state warfare.

We find solace & happiness in our little Ohio bubble for another month. All around us, we are very aware of a complicated and dark world. We remain hopeful of a bright future and happy days up ahead.

Peace & Love, Worldwide ✌🏼❤️🌍


A Bit of Everything

August 31, 2024

Hello everybody. I hope you find this post in good health.

The weather in Ohio was gorgeous in August. Although, We did experience extreme weather including a tornado. Now, we eagerly await the cool fall season. Sebastian is excited for Halloween. He discovered excavators and firefighters. We take long drives & walks daily and discuss his future career plans helping others. We were delighted to host our family from California for a week. Sebastian & Sofia are overdue to travel west later this year.

In August, we released two memorable trading episodes of The Trader’s Journey with two amazing traders. Extremely proud of them both. I animated a static mango avatar via AI and recorded an episode with a mentor from afar who sits among my trading Mt. Rushmore.

This is a fair place to end for most. My longer piece on the historical implications on law & society for August 2024 is available here.

Peace & Love, Worldwide ✌🏼❤️🌍


41 & 2

July 31, 2024

Hello everybody, I hope you’re all doing well.

July was a special month. Sebastian turned two years old. His aunts and cousins flew-in to visit him. He was so excited to experience a Curious George themed birthday party. We spent lots of time at the zoo, including a late night asian lantern festival trip. It was fun that we celebrated our birthdays a few days apart in the same week. I am blessed for this tradition each year.

In other news, July was a truly historic month for politics.

Peace & Love, Worldwide ✌🏼❤️🌍


Podcast, Book, and Task List

June 30, 2024

Summer has arrived! The weather has been gorgeous! We are preparing to celebrate Sebastian’s 2nd birthday with a Curious George and Godzilla theme. No complaints here, he has good taste, thankfully!

When it comes to trading-related discussions, silence is usually my preference. However, I recently recorded a podcast for the Trading Takes podcast with a few trading pals on the topic of networking. The episode inspired me to publicly share Year One: A Trader's Journey through the month of July.

I am sharing a tool I have been coding for over a year now: Task List — a free productivity tool meant to keep myself organized. It’s a fairly standard to-do list and scheduler with an alarm. It uses local storage, so by design no information can be collected and list items are saved in the browser and unique to each connected device. No personal information, no cookies, no problem. It is one of a few active coding projects built for me to practice my coding and creativity.

It would be remiss to ignore Joe Biden’s gentle, frail, and very bad debate. One must suppose the political party might explore the possibility of placing a new candidate into the top ranks. California Governor Gavin Newsome, who pulled no punches in a live debate against Florida Governor Marco Rubio and/or New York’s Alexandria Ocasio Cortez might be pushed into the spotlight in the months to come. Franky, the two together could be a helpful reset for both the party and corresponding ideology, strategy, and public perception.

Peace & Love, Worldwide ✌🏼❤️🌍


The Narcissist's Prayer

May 31, 2024

Hello everybody! I hope you're all doing well out there. In light of today's historic legal ruling, here is a piece.

The Narcissist's Prayer

Lord, you will grant Me the serenity to avoid all accountability and consequences for events which may involve Me.

You will grant Me the strengths:

To remain sufficiently liquid in all My trust funds.

To avoid tax audits following multiple bankruptcies.

To not be prosecuted after I brag about sexual assault.

To not be questioned about My spontaneous bone spurs.

To avoid federal charges after I orchestrate a spectacular insurrection.

To exceed all sales estimates of My holy bibles, alcohol and golden sneakers.

To convince My followers that all merit-based losses were simply malicious acts orchestrated by my adversaries seeking to conspire against Me.

To believe that I am always both victim and martyr.

To receive lucrative sums for sharing this country’s top secret classified documents.

Lord, should I ever be found guilty and forced to face consequences for the aforementioned actions, and those I plan to commit, for which I would be totally innocent, you will need to help Me appeal to a Supreme Court of whom I have anointed.

I will accept the role of President wherein I may once again seek my rightful place above the rule of law. Amen.

Peace & Love, Worldwide ✌🏼❤️🌍


Love In A Bubble

April 30, 2024

Hello everybody, I hope you’re all doing well out there! Today, I'll share both short update and rumination.

We celebrated Sofia’s 1st month and Sebastian’s 21st month of life. Each day, we take a moment to step outside ourselves and appreciate what we have. We tell our little guy why we are proud of him. He soaks up the positivity. His remarkable behavior compounds. We are neither perfect nor omniscient. I make mistakes. We make mistakes...and We consider the possibility of fun days not always lasting forever; we soak them up now to cherish.

Outside our suburban bubble, grown-ups watch a former President on trial in three separate States for three separate crimes. A hush money case in New York, an election fraud case in Arizona, and in the nation’s capital seeking Presidential Immunity from the Supreme Court.

In a world where the richest man still defies a legal agreement for 6+ years, the rule of law itself comes into question. It should never be a conversation, yet here we are.

Outside our bubble, a world in conflict continues in Ukraine and Gaza. The public continues to ask existential questions about the importance of nationalism, isolationism, and the importance of alliances in times of deep division.

Parents make difficult choices from day 0. In many ways, we prepare our whole lives to be parents. As a species, procreation is arguably our only job. As members of a complex societal order, the lessons we teach start immediately and last a lifetime.

There is so much love in a bubble.

Peace & Love, Worldwide ✌🏼❤️🌍


Baby Sofia

March 31, 2024

Hello everybody. Happy Easter. Happy Transgender Day of Visibility. I hope this message finds you well.

Lots happening in the world, but this post is dedicated to our new baby.

The moments alone in hospital waiting rooms are often among my clearest. Waiting to be called into the delivery room, 45 minutes to ruminate on one question: What do I want for our little girl about to enter this world?

While it's nobody's business except my own, I will share my answer.

Happiness, Health and Wisdom. Self-awareness and empathy. Education and Passions & Challenges she will overcome; and a few she perhaps cannot. Surrounded by those who will stand up for her and, occasionally if/when necessary, stand up to her.

Cheers in advance to all the memories our family will create together.

Peace & Love, Worldwide ✌🏼❤️🌍


Leap Year 2024

February 29, 2024

Hello everybody. I hope you’re all doing well. In the spirit of today’s leap year, I will keep this one short but relevant until the next leap year in February 2028.

America is the best Country for me. Yet, America is not perfect. Politicians on all sides of the political spectrum work non-stop to achieve their own agendas. Some work to strengthen America while others work to line their own pockets. Those who erode America’s sacred institutions or partner with foreign adversaries who have promised to weaken America in order to achieve their political ends perhaps should take a moment to reflect on their commitment to America.

Peace & Love, Worldwide ✌🏼❤️🌍


Hello 2024

January 31, 2024

Happy New Year! I hope you are doing well.

My personal goal for 2024 is to expand through balance & zen; to embody a carefully crafted haiku.

My body is strong enough to run once again. We'll pursue a half marathon. My mind & spirit itch to publish a few choice pieces of art, so we'll accomplish that too. I will shsare those details throughout the year.

2024 is also an election year in the United States. I wrote at length on the topic here.

I wish everybody the best fortune this upcoming year.

Peace & Love, Worldwide ✌🏼❤️🌍
