Every Vote, Counted! 🗳️

November 30, 2020

Hello! Happy Cyber Monday.🤖 Hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving 🦃. Goal is for another short post. So grab a drink and let’s catch up!

Biden’s Landslide: Over 80 Million voters elected challenger Joe Biden to lead America. 6.2 Million more voters chose the challenger over the incumbent. For perspective, Biden’s margin of victory is so large that it surpasses the total populations living in Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska, Vermont and Idaho, combined. Still, we can do better. Voter turnout was approximately 66.5% of the total U.S. population. Aim for 85 Million votes in 2024. Still, plenty to celebrate. In victory, Biden successfully re-established the Democratic ‘Blue Wall’ and, more impressively, Biden won the historically Republican States of Arizona and Georgia. Cultural icons in those States, John McCain and John Lewis, were vocal critics of Trump and frequent targets of his attacks. Joe Biden is now the President-Elect of the United States and Kamala Harris will be the first female Vice President in U.S. history.

Trump’s Swamp: Trump’s political legacy now includes the title of ‘worst loser’. He refuses to offer a concession speech or admit defeat. In plain sight, Trump is now reduced to Twitter tantrums and alt-reality conspiracies so bogus even his old pals at Fox News refuse to air them on television. Trump now promotes small online networks who gladly spread disinformation. His legal team attempted over 25 challenges in State Courts across the United States, yet all allegations of ‘voter fraud’ are rendered null and void by Courts. No evidence of widespread voter fraud have been presented.

Sunrise & Side-Effects: This dark chapter in American history is over. Good riddance. Hope America never again experiments with autocracy, despotism, or fascism. For now, take a deep breath in, deep breath out, and enjoy the view, like a once-in-a-lifetime sunrise. The side-effects of Trumpism still linger; specifically post-truth politics. Aspiring dictators now lurk in the shadows, eager to emerge. Lusting for power and one-party rule, prepared to once again weaponize misinformation, conspiracies, and propaganda - convince citizens of absurdities and eventually they will commit atrocities. Perhaps topple the Statue of Liberty, vilify segments of the population, place humans in cages, or worse. Democracy is always one election away from anti-democracy. In our American Democratic system, Citizens are like superheroes; the ultimate arbiters of Truth, Justice, and the American Way. 🦸

Covid Update: 273,000 Americans have now died from Covid-related causes. Governors across the U.S. re-issued State lockdowns. A new CDC report confirms that South Dakota’s Sturgis motorcycle rally was indeed a huge superspreader event which led to the viral outbreak in the neighboring State of Minnesota. In November, America reached its highest daily infection rate since the start of the pandemic. Thanksgiving was the largest simultaneous, multi-city, superspreader event of 2020. December is tracking to be the deadliest month for covid. Folks should prepare, mentally, for what they are about to see and hear. The United States will soon surpass 303,000 Covid-related deaths, a grim milestone, thereby surpassing the AIDS epidemic’s deadliest decade (1987-1997). The Covid Mortality chart remains available here. The silver lining in November is vaccines. Both Moderna and Pfizer independently announced exceptional phase three trial results; each over 90% effective rate. Both have applied for Emergency Use Authorization to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Vaccinations could potentially be distributed among high-risk populations and essential workers in the next few months.

Happy Holidays: In advance of the upcoming holiday season, I sincerely wish everybody health and happiness. Merry Christmas, Happy Festivus, Happy Hanukkah, and Joyous Kwanzaa, etc.

Peace & Love, Worldwide ✌🏼❤️🌍

- anthony