Pumpkin Season 🎃🍂

October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween! Short post this month. Grab a beverage, let's catch up.

Election 2020: The first paragraph in the next chapter of American history is now being written. We each contribute our piece. Citizens and Governments worldwide await the outcome. Alliances and Dreams could stabilize or shatter accordingly. 

Lawsuits across Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Texas, and Wisconsin highlight the incumbent’s multi-prong election strategy: (1) execute disinformation campaigns; (2) suppress the maximum number of votes; and, if needed: (3) appeal election results through the Courts; potentially up to the Supreme Court. On election night, prudent to expect the incumbent will attempt to cease or otherwise interfere with the legal counting of legal ballots. To borrow from Cinderella, Trump could try to turn Biden into a pumpkin past midnight in an effort to prematurely crown himself the belle of the election ball. The Senate and House races are equally connected to the political landscape over the next four years.

Domestic Terrorism: In October, the FBI stopped a domestic terrorist group from kidnapping and potentially executing the Governor of Michigan. In total, 13 men were charged. Days later, more details emerged -- the plot extended to the Governor of Virginia. Weeks later, during a separate incident in North Carolina, another domestic terrorist was arrested while plotting publicly to harm Joe Biden. Both attempts resemble the October 2018 mailbomb attacks from another domestic terrorist.

America could experience surges of domestic violent extremism in the years ahead; specifically lone wolf extremism in response to stochastic terrorism. In fact, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently identified domestic terrorism in their Homeland Threat Assessment (HTA). To be crystal clear, anybody who uses physical intimidation or unlawful physical violence in order to achieve political goals is, by definition, a terrorist. Period. At that point, political party affiliation is irrelevant.

Covid Update: America (still) leads the world in Covid deaths. Approximately 235,000 Americans have died from Covid-related causes. The mortality rate comparison chart remains available here. Mentioned on several occasions, Covid “survivors” face lingering health problems. New research observed potential for substantial cognitive slowdown; equivalent to aging the brain 10 years for some patients. Hope everybody out there manages to stay safe and maintain sanity.

Commander Covid: Mentioned last month, POTUS’ multi-state campaign superspreader events led to spikes across the USA. We can now confirm these events led to at least two dozen COVID infections and hospitalizations of high-ranking administration officials, including the First Lady and POTUS, who was rushed (via helicopter) to Walter Reed Medical Center in October. There, he received an experimental drug cocktail; including non-public monoclonal antibodies. While he was treated to this exclusive, all-expenses-paid medical bill estimated to cost over $1 Million, Commander Covid requested the Supreme Court abolish the Affordable Care Act (aka ‘Obamacare’); which he has been made well aware on several occassions would effectively end health insurance for an estimated 29.8 Million Americans and terminate ~1.2 Million jobs.

EVH: Eddie Van Halen proved humble beginnings are sufficient. Kids can change the world from their parents’ garage via imagination and endless experiments. Perhaps earn a patent along the way. Growing up in the San Gabriel Valley, Eddie was a local inspiration. Not for the tapping or blues licks or even the Brown sound, per se. Eddie represented invention, re-invention, and commitment to one’s craft. He never stopped dreaming, building, tinkering, re-building, or rockin’...and that’s the best place for me to end -- dream big and go chase those dreams.

Peace & Love, Worldwide ✌🏼❤️🌎

- anthony